The Princess Margaret Lung and Mesothelioma Clinic
The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre’s Mesothelioma clinic is available to anyone who is concerned about definitive or suspected asbestos exposure they may have had.

The team in the Lung and Mesothelioma clinic is specialized in mesothelioma and provide comprehensive care to patients with asbestos related lung diseases. They provide assessment and evaluation for suspected or confirmed mesothelioma patients with a unique inter-professional team that includes surgery, medical oncology, radiation oncology, social work, and pathology.

The team triages all referrals to identify the most appropriate specialist(s) for you to see. You will get an opportunity to meet with several specialists in a unique one-stop-shop model of care and will be provided with a specialized care plan.

The following resources are available within the Mesothelioma Clinic:

  • Assessment and evaluation by the team of clinicians
  • Access to all specialists to determine which one is best suited for your care
  • Access to the clinic’s social worker to provide guidance for WSIB applications and any other help you may need
  • Any necessary testing (CT scans, bloodwork)
  • Additional resources you may need including further information on your care, cancer education resources, translator etc.

Introducing Mary Macedo
We would like to introduce Mary Macedo, as the main point of contact for The Princess Margaret’s Lung and Mesothelioma Clinic.

Mary is the Medical Administrator and Mesothelioma Coordinator. She has been working with the Mesothelioma Clinical and Research Team for many years and knows the lung and mesothelioma patient group, and is familiar with the various clinicians that support this clinic.

Mary provides dedicated assistance to those who call or visit the Mesothelioma clinic. She will be able to answer questions and concerns about asbestos exposure and provide guidance on navigating your next steps.

Some coordination issues that Mary will be able to assist you with include:

  • Scheduling various clinical services such as CT scans
  • Guiding you through the process of getting a referral in order to visit the Mesothelioma Clinic
  • Assisting in directing any research study questions to the appropriate person and ensure you receive the necessary information

Mary Macedo can be reached at and at 416-340-5549.

Enrolling in the Early Detection Research Program
If you have been participating in our Mesothelioma Early Detection Program, or require information regarding the Early Detection Program please feel free to contact Mary Macedo at or at 416-340-5549.

Mary will organize an appointment in the Mesothelioma clinic or ensure that someone from our Research Program gets in touch with you to provide more information and answer any questions you may have.

Thank You!


Cancer is a complex group of over 200 diseases, influenced by lifestyle, environment, and genetics. It is full of challenges that only collaborative research and philanthropy can overcome.

This is why our research, which is made possible by your philanthropy, is of particular importance. We truly value our relationship with our union partners and look forward to continuing our mutual goal of advancing research and ultimately, finding a cure for Mesothelioma.

For more information…
610 University Avenue, Toronto ON M5G 2M9
T 416.946.6560 F 416.946.6563
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Charitable Organization No. 88900 7597 RR001